Sun O/S

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# 1  
Old 04-17-2002
Sun O/S

Firstly yes I am well aware of how old SUN O/S is. More then likely older then me Smilie

What I need is documentation of SUN O/S 4.1.1. The users manual. I can't seem to find it anywhere online. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places or in the worng way, but either way I can't find it.

Thanks in advanced for someone who can help me

# 2  
Old 04-17-2002
Try this Link.

If the sub-category is mistake try another sub-category. Might find what you are looking for. Do post a reply back.
# 3  
Old 04-18-2002
Yeah it's got some useful docs there. I also found a old old manual sleeping in a dark corner at work. Thanks for that.

I've kind of got a new problem now though. It's got me stumped I've never come across this in UNIX. It can't find the boot device when I go to boot from the CD. Only thing I can think of is it's a none bootable CD. If this is the case from the OPB how do I boot from the CD to install the O/S? That one really has me stumped.

By the way I'm trying to install it on a old SPARCstation 5.
# 4  
Old 04-19-2002
will be useful?

Connect a PC or a laptop to the serial, start an hiperterminal (values: 9600-8-N-1 terminal vt100). If it's possible log the

In the prompt, execute
ok> printenv
(to LOG the actual Values)

ok> set-defaults
(to set the defaults)

ok> boot cdrom
(To install insert the Installation CD of Solaris)

if not work

ok> setenv diag-device disk
ok> setenv diag-switch? true
ok> setenv boot-device disk
ok> boot cdrom

if not work review the paths
ok> cd /
ok> ls
ok> cd pci@1f,0
ok> cd pci@1,1

review the diferents path to see if the disk and the cdrom are availabe.
If not, probably there are a hardware problem (cable, disk), etc
Remeber to use the wrist strap.

Note: if you want to boot in single-user mode (boot cdrom -s)

Joke: and remember not more /etc/fstab now is /etc/vfstab

Last edited by hugo_perez; 04-19-2002 at 03:10 PM..
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