read function

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# 1  
Old 04-11-2002
read function

Hello all
In UNIX i wrote a program which simply establishes a conncetion with another system, using write system call i wrote a message to the server from client and from the server i send another message, for the second time i send a mesage using write system call to the server, when i send a message from the server using write system call for the second time iam not able to read in the client , the client waits in an infinite loop. what is the problem in using repeated read or write calls subsequently
plz explain my doubt
# 2  
Old 04-12-2002
It would be better if we could see your code (excerpts) that
setup and do the message exchange. There are some operations
in which you must interleave reads and writes but if you wrote
some sort of socket (UNIX or INET) communications, this should
not be an issue. If you can't post code excerpts, try to give
as much detail about what you are doing and how you are doing
it. Maybe someone can help.
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