[sos]How to config my Sco openserver 5.06

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers [sos]How to config my Sco openserver 5.06
# 1  
Old 04-08-2002
[sos]How to config my Sco openserver 5.06

How to config my Sco openserver 5.06 to
link on the Internet.MY Etherent sever is Winme...........
Can u tell me from the configure of netcard start.........
thanx for help...............thanx a lot
# 2  
Old 04-08-2002
ifconfig and netstat

IF you have a TCP/IP book by O'Reilly that would be great because it explains it in great detail in Chapter 6. OR do a man on ifconfig as well.

This below is straight from the above-mentioned book.

First, do a dmesg and look for the lan card in there.
Next, do a netstat -in. This will show you the current setup.
If you see an asterisk (*) then it is not setup.

If you need to configure the loopback, do something like this.

# ifconfig lo0

If you know your lan card device, you can do this.

# ifconfig (lancard) to see your card's config.

To actually setup the card, do this.

# ifconfig <lancard> <ipaddress> netmask <Subnetmask> broadcast <broadcast IP>

On some systems like HPUX, there is a config file called /etc/rc.config.d/netconf that you will have to modify to put the Subnetmask in as well as editing /etc/hosts.

If you already know the name of the card just do the last step and the loopback command as well. Then do a netstat -in or netstat -rn.

Hope this helps.
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