sed file problems

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# 1  
Old 04-08-2002
sed file problems

when i am running a sed command i want to get rid of all of the backslashes in the lin but it is taking this as being a command how do i delete backslashes?????

sed -e "s/\/g"

Anyn ideas?????????

Last edited by johnnynolegs; 04-08-2002 at 09:24 AM..
# 2  
Old 04-08-2002

try this
sed 's/\\//g' file1.out > file2.out
# 3  
Old 04-08-2002

i tried that already but it did not work :-( - ended up doing it in a text file which worked but would really like to know how to do it using sed..................
# 4  
Old 04-08-2002
you do not need to user a / as the delimiter for your sed statement, try using the = so your sed command looks like this

sed -e "s=\==g" file1 > file2
# 5  
Old 04-08-2002
Here is a good solution.

cat |sed 's/\\//g' > newfilename.out

I know this is similar to one post already but I just tested it and it worked for me in ksh on HPUX box.

root> cat file
\todd \qasd \adrladf

root> cat file |sed 's/\\//g' > (your output file here)
todd qasd adrladf

It removes the backslashes. It even works when I concat all of the "words" together or even with multiple consecutive \\ in a file.

# 6  
Old 04-08-2002
Originally posted by Kelam_Magnus
Here is a good solution.

cat |sed 's/\\//g' > newfilename.out

Useless Use of Cat. Simplify to:

sed 's/\\//g' > filename.out

Last edited by Perderabo; 12-13-2006 at 10:04 AM.. Reason: Update UUOC URL
# 7  
Old 04-08-2002
Yes, I realized that it was.

However, he said that he already tried it that way. I was just trying to offer an alternative. Possibly there is a problem on his box.

Now that I look at it, he may have been using double quotes which may have made sed take it as a literal.

Try to limit extra commands, but I like to eliminate any variation as a bug.
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