what is SUID/GUID bits in UNIX/Solaris

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# 1  
Old 02-28-2008
what is SUID/GUID bits in UNIX/Solaris


I have a Oracle Database on Solaris 5.10 .

Following file are showing with SUID/GUID bits .

-rwsr-xr-x root dba /optware/oracle/

What will happen if this is changed to oracle dba .

I need to know the will there be a effect if the owner of extjob is changed.

# 2  
Old 02-28-2008
What do you think?
there it says whoever executes /optware/oracle/ it will run as by root...
>What will happen if this is changed to oracle dba .
Only one way to know... (but you do have root passwd dont you?)

What is it for?
Look here:
# ll /etc/passwd
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1988 Feb 28 15:35 /etc/passwd
notice no one can change passwd file and it is supposed to be read only even to root no?
But when you type passwd, it prompts you to give old password and again for new password and asks conrfiramtion etc... and if all is good, wow the file has been updated!
How come?
# ll /usr/bin/passwd
-r-sr-xr-x 5 root bin 49152 May 23 2001 /usr/bin/passwd
# 3  
Old 02-28-2008
Actually, accordin to the manual extjob is supposed to be owned by root. So, why do you want to change it?
# 4  
Old 03-03-2008
MySQL suid/guid


mainly we use this for the purpose of giving rights to the normal user like a super user.


giving rights as a super user (root user )

suid :- is for the normal user in the group
guid:- is for the whole group members

pl if there any other answer regarding pl let me know.
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