10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am currently try to write a simple script with the following condition, but so far not having luck as the exit code would always be 0.
Run remote command to read a file and grep for test word.
if test word is in the file, send email.
if not, do nothing
also possible to ssh to multiple... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: jaapar
3 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Would like to know what is the best script that will send you an email if cronjob did not run.
Thanks (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: kenshinhimura
4 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi expert
I wish to start a shell script when I receive an email.
I modified the aliases file and I add this string
as400nag: "|/home/nag-script/startstop/AS400-Boot.sh
The solution works .
When the as400nag user receive an email the
/home/nag-script/startstop/AS400-Boot.sh starts .but... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: emi65
3 Replies
4. Linux
I have been looking around for a solution to this, i have been developing for a wile though am very new to CGI, PHP and a lot of the web based tech.
I have a web site hosted with a cPanel web host.
I am looking to have a script(prefer PHP) to run everytime i get a new email to help@xxx.com.... (16 Replies)
Discussion started by: iKris
16 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am new to this Scripting process and would like to know How can i write a ksh script that will call other ksh scripts and write the output to a file and/or email.
For example
Script ABC
I need to call all three scripts execute them and... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: pacifican
2 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi All
I am newbie with Sendmail and Linux in general. We use sendmail for outgoing and incoming mails.
Once our server receives a certain email xxx@yyy.com we would
like to run a PERL script doing some task wiht it.
Can you address me a little bit on that topic?
In order to do that the... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: manustone
0 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have 20 or so files that are ftp'd each day to a particular directory. I want to create a script that will tell me if any of these files fails to arrive or if any additional files arrive. I'm thinking I'd have a list of file names that should arrive each day, and the script would check each days... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: daveyc82
2 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
I need help in running a script that would pull info from an email subject line and run a script (foo.sh). I'm pretty sure after a bit of googling that this is possible in several ways. but none was pretty clear on how to accomplish it. The part that I really need help with is getting the... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: satekn
5 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hey guys,
I am working on a Cshell script and I am stuck on this one part. I need to be able to copy in files to my directory but give them different names so they don't overwrite each other. For example, my folder already contains FILE.1 I want my script to name the next file copied over... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: hootdocta5
5 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
Im very new at working with unix and this problem I simply can not understand. I know there are a lot of threads about problems with shell scripts behaving differently when run from a terminal and from a cronjob. I have tried everything(almost) but I still havent cracked this problem.
Im... (15 Replies)
Discussion started by: Nightowl
15 Replies
rt-email-group-admin(8) Request Tracker Reference rt-email-group-admin(8)
rt-email-group-admin - Command line tool for administrating NotifyGroup actions
rt-email-group-admin --list
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify foo team' --group Foo
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify foo team as comment' --comment --group Foo
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify group Foo and Bar' --group Foo --group Bar
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify user foo@bar.com' --user foo@bar.com
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify VIPs' --user vip1@bar.com
rt-email-group-admin --add 'Notify VIPs' --user vip2@bar.com --group vip1 --user vip3@foo.com
rt-email-group-admin --rename 'Notify VIPs' --newname 'Inform VIPs'
rt-email-group-admin --switch 'Notify VIPs'
rt-email-group-admin --delete 'Notify user foo@bar.com'
This script list, create, modify or delete scrip actions in the RT DB. Once you've created an action you can use it in a scrip.
For example you can create the following action using this script:
rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify developers' --group 'Development Team'
Then you can add the followoing scrip to your Bugs queue:
Condition: On Create
Action: Notify developers
Template: Transaction
Stage: TransactionCreate
Your development team will be notified on every new ticket in the queue.
rt-email-group-admin --COMMAND ARGS
Lists actions and its descriptions.
create NAME [--comment] [--group GNAME] [--user UNAME]
Creates new action with NAME and adds users and/or groups to its recipient list. Would be notify as comment if --comment specified.
add NAME [--group GNAME] [--user UNAME]
Adds groups and/or users to recipients of the action NAME.
delete NAME
Deletes action NAME if scrips doesn't use it.
switch NAME
Switch action NAME from notify as correspondence to comment and back.
rename NAME --newname NEWNAME
Renames action NAME to NEWNAME.
If command has option --group or --user then you can use it more then once, if other is not specified.
Ruslan U. Zakirov <ruz@bestpractical.com>
RT::Action::NotifyGroup, RT::Action::NotifyGroupAsComment
perl v5.14.2 2013-05-22 rt-email-group-admin(8)