Ksh error

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# 1  
Old 02-21-2008
Ksh error

I am running the below script to call an already existing concurrent program using the CONCSUB utility.

echo "=================================================="
echo "Beginning program " `date "+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"` "\n"
echo "================================================="


cd $datadir

ls -lrt *.txt | awk '{print $9}' | while read fname


echo The file to be passed to importing program is $fname

conc_request=`CONCSUB $userid/$pwd $respid $respname $ora_user WAIT=N
CONCURRENT $app_prog_name $conc_prog_name $fname 'Yes' 'Code' '0''ABCDEFGH''
echo "NEW concurrent request job details: $conc_request"
echo "New concurrent program submitted Request_id : $conc_id"

ok_status=`echo $conc_request'
echo "ok_status(1-Succesful, all other values-Not Successful) : $ok_status"
if [ $ok_status -eq 0 ]
echo "Program Unsuccessful. Check log file concurrent request: $conc_id "
 mv $fname $archdir



exit $v_status

I am getting the following output. The script is only partially executed.Its not using the CONCSUB utility, so the concurrent program is not getting submitted..Can anyone please help??

Beginning program  02/21/08 16:41:15

The file to be passed to importing program is A1.txt
NEW concurrent request job details: CONCSUB $userid/$pwd $respid $respname $ora_user WAIT=N
CONCURRENT $app_prog_name $conc_prog_name $fname Yes ARGFL 0ABCDEFGH
New concurrent program submitted Request_id :
ok_status(1-Succesful, all other values-Not Successful) : echo $conc_request
./ftnew1.sh[33]: $conc_request: unknown test operator
mv: path/archive/A1.txt: rename: Permission denied
The file to be passed to importing program is A2.txt
NEW concurrent request job details: CONCSUB $userid/$pwd $respid $respname $ora_user WAIT=N
CONCURRENT $app_prog_name $conc_prog_name $fname Yes ARGFL 0ABCDEFGH
New concurrent program submitted Request_id :
ok_status(1-Succesful, all other values-Not Successful) : echo $conc_request
./ftnew1.sh[33]: $conc_request: unknown test operator
mv: /path/archive/A2.txt: rename: Permission denied
The file to be passed to importing program is A3.txt
NEW concurrent request job details: CONCSUB $userid/$pwd $respid $respname $ora_user WAIT=N
CONCURRENT $app_prog_name $conc_prog_name $fname Yes ARGFL 0ABCDEFGH
New concurrent program submitted Request_id :
ok_status(1-Succesful, all other values-Not Successful) : echo $conc_request
./ftnew1.sh[33]: $conc_request: unknown test operator
mv: path/archive/A3.txt: rename: Permission denied

Thanks in advance,

Last edited by Begins; 02-21-2008 at 07:25 PM..
# 2  
Old 02-22-2008
I don't see how that runs at all. The quoting is all messed up.
ok_status=`echo $conc_request'
You start with a back-quote and end with a single quote. Both seem to be unmatched. Smilie
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