Just a quick question about SSH

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# 1  
Old 02-20-2008
Just a quick question about SSH

Hi all,

Just a quick question about using ssh. I have already searched all over the Internet--- but am working on a big project tomorrow connecting to about 100 servers one at a time from my home server, using ssh

ssh -l root [hostname]

Once I connect in, can anyone recommend the easiest/safest way to grab a file from the home server? I have a script I'd like to upload and run on each one, while I'm logged in doing other work.
I've heard talk of scp but I can't confirm any examples, these servers will be root and I have little opportunity to experiment- thanks for any suggestions!
# 2  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by jeffpas
Hi all,

Just a quick question about using ssh. I have already searched all over the Internet--- but am working on a big project tomorrow connecting to about 100 servers one at a time from my home server, using ssh

ssh -l root [hostname]

Once I connect in, can anyone recommend the easiest/safest way to grab a file from the home server? I have a script I'd like to upload and run on each one, while I'm logged in doing other work.
I've heard talk of scp but I can't confirm any examples, these servers will be root and I have little opportunity to experiment- thanks for any suggestions!
Do "scp theFile.txt remoteHost_Name:/targetDestination"
for example if you want to copy /tmp/test.txt from server "ServerA" to "ServerB" in /home/jsmith do this:

Logon to ServerA
cd /tmp
run " scp test.txt ServerB:/home/jsmith" I hope this helps.
# 3  
Old 02-21-2008
Does anyone know if there is a way to scp or get the file AFTER you have ssh'd on to SERVER2?

In other words:

get on SERVER 1
ssh -l root SERVER 2

(on SERVER 2)
# get the file from SERVER 1

It would be much easier than connecting twice for each server. Thanks for any advice!
# 4  
Old 02-21-2008
I may have misunderstood this but :
when you are logged on random server, whether 1 or 2, you can scp file in both directions, you can upload and download :
ssh root@server1
scp /path/to/file1 root@server2:/tmp/new-file-name2

scp root@server2:/tmp/new-file-name2 /opt/new-file-name1

# 5  
Old 02-21-2008
Yes this is what I am looking for. Very good! Using it already.

I assume from what I have read on the web there is no way to pass the password as a parameter in UNIX/AIX using ssh. We are connecting to a huge number of servers to distribute a program and have been given a list of 'possible passwords' to use. And of course the usual time crunch.

So for each server, I have to try logging in via ssh up to 10 or 15 times until I stumble across the right password. And in the traditional style each password is a knuckle crippling combination of case changes and numerical gibberish.

Wouldn't it be great to have a UNIX script that did something along the lines of (sorry if not accurate)

For X$ in 23j4Mto Np30252 34235jkmm r0t00pbo 2i2oPP 3?3j4k2 423323 .....
(list of passwords)

ssh -user SERVER -p PASSWORD(X$)
exit; hooray
end if


But I guess that's dreaming of OS convenience, undeserved.............
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