cat files

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# 1  
Old 02-14-2008
cat files


I was a typical Windows guy. Like to do things just by clicking my mouseSmilie. I got a new job now...where they are big on unix.
I am trying to wet my fingures now with unix. Haven't taken the dive yet.

I am trying to find a solution for this problem.
Please help me with some ideas.

Now the problem:
For ex: I have 6 files.

I want to write a script to concat the files on the parameter I pass to the script. Say If I pass parameter 2 to the script.
It should do this....
cat input_1.txt input_2.txt input_3.txt > input_1.txt
cat input_4.txt input_5.txt input_6.txt > input_2.txt

So, If I pass 3 to the script.
It should do this....
cat input_1.txt input_2.txt > input_1.txt
cat input_3.txt input_4.txt > input_2.txt
cat input_5.txt input_6.txt > input_3.txt

And the initial files I have can be day...I may have 20 or 30 files. Could be 25 (odd) too. The script should be dynamic enough.
I problem is clear enough for you.

Thanks for all your time.
# 2  
Old 02-15-2008
How does the script know how many files you have to deal with? Will that be an additional parameter?

Let's say you have n input files and want j output files. Do you want each outputfile to comprise n/j input files? Do you always want the output file to be named the same as the input file? In the same directory?
# 3  
Old 02-15-2008
Please find my answers below.

How does the script know how many files you have to deal with? Will that be an additional parameter?
Yes. Sorry forgot to mention that part.
The script should take 2 parameters.
#1 the no.of input jobs
#2 the no.of output jobs

Let's say you have n input files and want j output files. Do you want each outputfile to comprise n/j input files?
Yes that is what I expect. n/j input file.

Do you always want the output file to be named the same as the input file? In the same directory?

Once again, thanks a lot for your time

# 4  
Old 02-15-2008
Very basic script, no error checking etc etc ect.

Script takes 1 parameter, number of output files needed,

Script assumes all files which should be concatenated start with input_

Script assumes all files are in the current directory.

Should be easy to change the script into something more luxerary, it just presents a concept.


NUMFILES=`ls input* | wc -l`


ls input* | while read FILE
  if [ ${CURRENT} -eq 1 ]
    cat ${FILE} > output_${OUT}.txt
    cat ${FILE} >> output_${OUT}.txt

  if [ ${CURRENT} -gt ${IN_PER_OUT} ]

Last edited by sb008; 02-15-2008 at 04:47 PM..
# 5  
Old 02-15-2008
Thank you, I tried your script.
It is working close to what I need.
I tweaked it a bit to meet my exact requirements.

Thanks again

Originally Posted by sb008
Very basic script, no error checking etc etc ect.

Script takes 1 parameter, number of output files needed,

Script assumes all files which should be concatenated start with input_

Script assumes all files are in the current directory.

Should be easy to change the script into something more luxerary, it just presents a concept.


NUMFILES=`ls input* | wc -l`


ls input* | while read FILE
  if [ ${CURRENT} -eq 1 ]
    cat ${FILE} > output_${OUT}.txt
    cat ${FILE} >> output_${OUT}.txt

  if [ ${CURRENT} -gt ${IN_PER_OUT} ]

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