how do i make a new directory?

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# 1  
Old 03-25-2002
Question how do i make a new directory?

i know this is a pretty lame question, but im trying to ftp a file to a unix server - and i want to put it in a folder called "tmp"

but when i try to do a " cd /tmp" it tells me there is no such folder.

can someone tell me the command to create a "tmp" folder?

# 2  
Old 03-25-2002
its simple..use mkdir - make directories

$ mkdir tmp

for more information do man mkdir or info mkdir
# 3  
Old 03-25-2002
thanks - that was easy enough. i really appreciate it. im not really a unix guy -

# 4  
Old 03-25-2002

You are now! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
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