Executing a SQL query from a shell script

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# 1  
Old 03-22-2002
Executing a SQL query from a shell script

I cannot figure out how to run a SQL script, or just a sqlplus query, from a shell script (bash or ksh). Basically, I need to su - oracle from root and run a query, then test the exit status.
# 2  
Old 03-22-2002
You want a script to run as root and launch a script in oracle? I think the cleanest way is two separate shell scripts. I tried an embedded su thru an endword (which I do a lot), but I could not capture the status code inside the su - pretty strange.

exec > myroot.out
su - oracle -c scott.sh
exit 0

sqlplus -s scott/tiger @ scott.sql
if test $? -ne 0 ; then
   echo 'sqlplus error'
   exit 1
   echo 'sqlplus OK'
   exit 0

whenever sqlerror exit failure
set termout off
spool scott.lst
select ename from emp;

# 3  
Old 03-22-2002
Thank you very much Smilie
# 4  
Old 03-23-2002

I want to know why you are using myroot.sh when executing scott.sh will do the required job. Are you using myroot.sh to change the user or is it useful in other way?

Say, if I want to run the sql query without su, can I just use scott.sh and dont use myrott.sh?

I tested it and if you run scott.sh, then you get the desired result.

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