Creating emails

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# 1  
Old 02-03-2008
Creating emails

Hi, I posted here 2 months ago, saying I wanted to learn UNIX for my work running a small ISP. I had the problem of practically no technical support for our system. Many courses later, I can just about do everything I need to do.
The server is a FreeBSD i386. I can now create email accounts for customers using the adduser command. This creates a user with the email address So this is great, but we also host some domain names. If I could now figure out how to create a email account, I'll be all set.

I'm a bit clueless of how this works. I first thought it was based on aliases, but I can't find anything on the mail server that supports this. (the /etc/aliases or etc/mail/aliases file doesn't have anything like this in it.)

So am I on the right path? Or can adduser create these types of accounts as well??

Thanks in advance!
# 2  
Old 02-03-2008
also, we're using sendmail.
# 3  
Old 02-04-2008
In case of sendmail try using virtusertable and relaydomain. Dont forget to add entry of your second domain in DNS.

I would suggest if you can switch to qmail. it would be better as management of more than one domain is easy in qmail. It provides GUI to handle everything including handling your user, there accounts, you domain etc.

# 4  
Old 02-04-2008
Hmm still can't find anything. Everything should be ready to add these accounts and mail forwards. I just need a simple explanation on how one might go about doing this.
ex) create a mailbox for Do I create a regular account first? After I do this how to I make sure any mail sent to the above will go to the new account I created?
# 5  
Old 02-05-2008
Problem solved. It was on a relay server. Everything I was looking for in etc/mail/virtusertable !

Thanks for the advice!
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