How I can reset Ultra 5 OpenBoot

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# 1  
Old 03-19-2002
How I can reset Ultra 5 OpenBoot

I'm trying to configure Ultra 5 workstation to be accessed by Win HyperTerminal.

I make this change on open boot :
setenv input-device ttya
setenv output-device ttya

After that, I can't acess by HyperTerminal and the keyboard / monitor don't work anymore.

Anyone know what I need to do to reset the OpenBoot ?

# 2  
Old 03-19-2002
You may be looking for Stop-N. See below.

Sun systems recognizes your terminal as a console on boot up
as long as you don't have a keyboard plugged into the system. This is
automatic upon power cycling your machine as long as the terminal is plugged
into Serial Port A. The system console is determined by who generates the
first keyboard interrupt. If you have a keyboard plugged in, the system will
assume a graphics console. If you have a terminal plugged into serial port A,
the system will assume a dumb terminal.

If you would like to set this at the eeprom, you can do so by this:

OK setenv input-device ttya
OK setenv output-device ttya
OK ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,-

As for the "blind" stop/a type commands, there are only three of them.
You can use the "break" key (you might need to use shift/ or control/break
although just break is usually sufficient) in place of stop/a.

The other two are stop/n and stop/d. As far as we know, there isn't an
equivalent keystroke action that can do what these do. There is, however, an
eeprom setting that can accomplish the same as these keystrokes.

stop/n: OK set-defaults
All this does is set the eeprom back to default settings.

stop/d: OK setenv diag-switch? true
OK reset
What this does is boot the node in diag mode. You will, however, have to
shut this off in the same manner in order for your machine to function
OK setenv diag-switch? false
OK reset
# 3  
Old 03-19-2002

thank you very much
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