First Server (Debian) MacBook Remote Login

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# 1  
Old 01-29-2008
First Server (Debian) MacBook Remote Login


I just picked up the book "Linux System Administration" and would like to get started setting up a server.

I currently have a MacBook running OS X 10.5.1 and would like to use it for remote loging to the server.

I have a Netgear WGR614 v6 wireless router.

I'm wondering if I will be able to install and set up a Debian server remotely via my MacBook through a wireless connection. Or, would I have to connect directly?

Would I be able to use my MacBook as a monitor only, or would I be able to use the optical drive, keyboard and a mouse through the MacBook, while installing Debian on the server?

Would I be able to do a net install this way, or would I have to have the CD images saved to disk? Could I use the images saved on my MacBook or USB drive, or would I have to burn a CD?

I don't have any parts for the computer that will act as my server yet, and I am not particularly partial to any hardware except my MacBook. I wouldn't mind replacing my router, if it would be easier to work with something different. Any recommendations for hardware that would work well for setting up a server that I would administer with my MacBook would be appreciated.

*Also, is there any way to know if my IP address is static without talking to my internet service provider?

Thanks in advance for any and all help and/or suggestions. Smilie
# 2  
Old 01-31-2008
Edit (got some useful links):

Good link for a Debian install on a system already running Linux.
Apple's new Remote Disc seems to be make remote installs of OS X possible, but not Windows. (At least on a Mac).

Remaining questions / (or question rephrased):
Is there:
a) a mainboard that offers BIOS settings that would allow me to access the computer via a wireless network or the internet and install an OS (i.e.: Debian) remotely, without having any other OS installed, or...
b) A cable I could use to connect my Macbook to the server and install an OS from the optical drive on my Macbook?

Last edited by andou; 02-06-2008 at 04:56 AM.. Reason: rephrase
# 3  
Old 02-13-2008
How about a normal CD or DVD install, but using my MacBook's monitor and keyboard?
# 4  
Old 02-16-2008
I think I more or less found my answer. According to a post on
Q: "Is there a way for me to occasionally use my MacBook Pro screen with a PC?..."
A: "No there's no way to do this directly."

I'm not particularly happy with this answer, partly because it's not what I wanted to hear and partly because there's no explanation.

That leaves me in need of at least a monitor and keyboard to install a server - assuming I can do a network install from a USB drive. Otherwise, I suppose I'll need an optical drive as well.

So that now leaves me with these questions:

Suppose I purchase some parts to build a Linux box for my server, and bring them to a place with a monitor, keyboard, etc. that I'll need to set it up, then bring it home, plug it in and hope to connect to it with my MacBook through a Wireless connection:

a) What information will I need to know to set this up without hassle? *i.e., MAC address of server to allow it to connect through the wireless router, etc.
b) Will I need to connect through my Wireless Router, or will built in WiFi on the mainboard, or even a wireless USB adapter be enough to use the server as a wireless router?
c) Should I be connecting through VNC (Chicken of the VNC with my MacBook running Leopard), or is there a better way?

I'll be quite surprised if anyone actually reads this far, so I'm not really expecting any answers on this... still, it would be nice to get something.
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