first four lines using awk

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# 1  
Old 01-23-2008
first four lines using awk

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i am trying to print out the first four lines using awk. How can i do this?
# 2  
Old 01-23-2008
awk 'NR<5' filename

Of course, you can use just head ...
# 3  
Old 01-23-2008
thanks, that worked great!
# 4  
Old 01-23-2008
Originally Posted by radoulov
awk 'NR<5' filename

Of course, you can use just head ...
better Smilie

awk '{ if ( NR < 5 ) { print } else { exit } }' filename

# 5  
Old 01-23-2008
Originally Posted by matrixmadhan
better Smilie

awk '{ if ( NR < 5 ) { print } else { exit } }' filename

or Smilie

awk 'NR>4{exit}1' filename

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