How to check path exist or not in UNIX shell script

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# 1  
Old 01-22-2008
How to check path exist or not in UNIX shell script

UNIX Shell Script
I'm in /home/suneel dirctory
in that directory need to check for a path for example com/src/resources
If Path exists need to copy the files from one directory
If path not exist need to create the folders and copy the files
UNIX shell script help required
# 2  
Old 01-22-2008
man test. Always check the man page first
# 3  
Old 01-22-2008
UNIX Shell Script
I'm in /home/suneel dirctory
in that directory need to check for a path for example com/src/resources
If Path exists need to copy the files from one directory
If path not exist need to create the folders and copy the files
UNIX shell script help required

dir="dir path"
if [ -f $dir/$file ]

# 4  
Old 01-22-2008
mkdir -p com/src/resources

Best Regards,
Rakesh UV
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