Unix, Linux Patches

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# 1  
Old 01-21-2008
Question Unix, Linux Patches

How are patches for vulnerabilities deployed for UNIX, and Linux?
How are customers alerted of patches and updates for each company?
Are the patches deployed automatically?
Is there a certain day that they are deployed or ready for use?

I have done several different kinds of search at Google, I am not sure of the response I am receiving.

# 2  
Old 01-21-2008
There are several flavours of UNIX & Linux (hundres for each version) so it's not possible to go into details

Solaris UNIX - Customers are alerted via email if they are members of Sunsolve or via a valid Support Contract, Patches can be deployed manually or automatically via the inb-built patch manager software

Ubuntu LINUX -Customers are alerted via email if they are members of a valid Support Contract, Patches can be deployed manually or automatically via the in-built patch manager software - Update Manager

Sounds like a question for Research material for a Degree Assignment, but -------------------------------------------------------------------
~ stevie
Solaris SCSA (v8)
Microsoft MCP
Ubuntu & Fedora on-the-way
# 3  
Old 01-21-2008
Unix, Linux patches

Thanks Stevie, this is research material for a Degree Assignment. In my search I found information on Sendmail as a widely deployed mail transfer agent. I was not sure if this information was what I needed to follow. The information you provided pointed me in the right direction. Again, thank you.

Originally Posted by stevie_velvet
There are several flavours of UNIX & Linux (hundres for each version) so it's not possible to go into details

Solaris UNIX - Customers are alerted via email if they are members of Sunsolve or via a valid Support Contract, Patches can be deployed manually or automatically via the inb-built patch manager software

Ubuntu LINUX -Customers are alerted via email if they are members of a valid Support Contract, Patches can be deployed manually or automatically via the in-built patch manager software - Update Manager

Sounds like a question for Research material for a Degree Assignment, but -------------------------------------------------------------------
~ stevie
Solaris SCSA (v8)
Microsoft MCP
Ubuntu & Fedora on-the-way
# 4  
Old 01-21-2008
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