Script should run continously

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# 1  
Old 01-18-2008
Script should run continously


I have a small req.
I have a script called as

I want to execute this script continously for every 1 minute even if i exit from the server
i.e., it should keeps on running for every one minute even if i logged off

Can any one send me the sample code or procedure to work
Infinite while loop will not work if i close

Cron can help i hope so but i dont know wht procedure i should follow
i dont have admin rights

wht should i want to ask my admin to work it
# 2  
Old 01-18-2008
nohup scriptname &
This User Gave Thanks to theninja For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-18-2008
Originally Posted by theninja
nohup scriptname &
I cant get ur point
can u please explain with some example
# 4  
Old 01-21-2008
hi, I have something on our boxes which I use to run scripts continously.

while true
sleep 60 <-------- seconds

and this will loop forever

write it to a file called loopscript

also put it another script in startup /etc/rc3.d/S99loopscript

chmod 755 /etc/rc3.d/S99loopscript

nohup /pathto/loopscript &

So everytime you reboot system it will fire off S99loopscript which fires loopscript -- thats calls your script every 60 seconds.

This kind of script is good if you have some special requirements that cannot run under a cronjob or you want it to be independant from cronjob
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