Command not found

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Command not found
# 15  
Old 01-09-2008
Also, would remove all of the ">> $LOGFILE" nonsense. Batch scripts should be logged in their entirety, which I discussed here:

If you take my suggestion and just redirect all shell stdout/stderr to the logfile, then you can remove all the ">> $LOGFILE" code. Not that there's anything WRONG with doing that per se, it's just ugly and cumbersome.
# 16  
Old 01-09-2008
I did the way you suggested. It says line 53 unexpected end of file.
Originally Posted by gus2000
Your use of the "here" document is incorrect.

rman target=/ << EOF
shutdown immediate
exit EOF

rman target=/ << EOF
shutdown immediate

Whenvee you create a "here" doc using "<< EOF", the terminating "EOF" must be alone, on it's own line, no leading spaces, no comments, no nuthin'.
# 17  
Old 01-09-2008
The code you posted above does not even have 53 lines, so I'm assuming it's a snippet.

The error message "unexpected end of file" usually means there's a mismatched quote somewhere (including a mismatched EOF pair).

You never said which shell this should try "sh -n <SCRIPTNAME>" to perform a syntax check, which can sometimes find the faulty line (as opposed to blaming the last line of the script).
# 18  
Old 01-09-2008
I using born shell
# 19  
Old 01-09-2008
How i can zip the database in UNIX? Where i should change my code?
Originally Posted by gus2000
The code you posted above does not even have 53 lines, so I'm assuming it's a snippet.

The error message "unexpected end of file" usually means there's a mismatched quote somewhere (including a mismatched EOF pair).

You never said which shell this should try "sh -n <SCRIPTNAME>" to perform a syntax check, which can sometimes find the faulty line (as opposed to blaming the last line of the script).
# 20  
Old 01-09-2008
Do i have to write code in the begining?
# 21  
Old 01-10-2008
Please help
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