crtl-c not working

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# 1  
Old 01-07-2008
crtl-c not working

After I log into a box I run a small script so my backspace works, but after running the script the ctrl-c will not work anymore to break.. Will work before.. The script I run is below... I am on AIX 5.2. Thanks.

set -o vi
export TERM=xterm
export HOST=`hostname`
export PS1='${USER}:${PWD%%*/} $ '

# 2  
Old 01-07-2008
I do not see any code that changes your backspace or anything that would affect how ctrl+c is handled. Can you post the script your running?
# 3  
Old 01-07-2008
It'll be the TERM variable. I'd wager your mapping has switched the control and shift (or sometimes capslock) keys around. Do you get a capital C printed to the screen when you try it from a command prompt? If so, try shift-c.
# 4  
Old 01-07-2008
When I do shift-c I get a cap C. I shell out to the command line as my user, then if I do a su - <other user> and run my prog it won't work but if I just do a su <other user> it will. I wasn't trying to stop a program per se, but I hit ctrl-c alot when I goof on typing something so I can type it again instead hitting enter and getting a error... Thanks.
# 5  
Old 01-07-2008
Are you sourcing that 'script' or running it? (ie . scripname or ./scriptname or scriptname?)

What shell does the user you are su'ing to run? (That syntax you have will only work in a small subset of shells)

su (without the - ) doesn't pick up the targetted user's environment.

What do you see on the screen when you try using control-c after running your script?
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