Problem with FTP o n Unix SCO

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# 1  
Old 01-07-2008
Problem with FTP o n Unix SCO

my problem is like this
while ftping locally it works,
but when users from WAN try the ftp services it doesnt comes
the message it displays is as follows "connection closed by remote host "
please help
# 2  
Old 01-07-2008

Sounds like a network issue or a binding problem
Test the following:
  1. Can you connect locally using the hostname? (ie don't specify 'localhost')
  2. Can you ping your FTP server from the WAN?
  3. Can you telnet/ssh to the FTP server from the WAN?
  4. What happens if you telnet to port 21 on your ftp server from the WAN?
  5. Do you get the 'connection closed...' message immediately or after a delay?

1 Tests to see if you have the ftp daemon listening on the network interface or only on localhost.

2-4 Tests network connectivity between the boxen.

5 Tests for packets getting dropped (eg by a firewall) somewhere in the WAN.
# 3  
Old 01-09-2008
thanx for the reply
i am going to troubleshoot as you suggested
but another thing is that other services are acessible from the WAN,
and when ftping other win based server it works
# 4  
Old 01-09-2008
Originally Posted by Athos19
thanx for the reply
i am going to troubleshoot as you suggested
but another thing is that other services are acessible from the WAN,
and when ftping other win based server it works
If you can get to other services on that same SCO unix server from the WAN then it's probably not worth trying the ping (2) and telnet/ssh (3) steps.

I'm thinking that it might be step 1 (the test for binding) that will be most valuable now...
# 5  
Old 01-14-2008
....Problem with FTP o n Unix SCO

1. the ping from the WAN is OK
2. on the 2nd steps still this is the message " connected to servername" then "connection closed by remote host"
3. telnet server ip success
4. telnet server ip on port 21 give "ftp server ready" as message
# 6  
Old 01-14-2008
What happens if you type a character and hit enter after telnetting in on port 21?
How long between the 'connected' and 'connection closed' messages? Do you get a chance to try and authenticate?
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