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1. Solaris
Dear All
Can you please let me know how can I check for internal modem on my solaris8 machine?
Thank you (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: hadimotamedi
0 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
i have a file named (Loop) that contains numbers separated by pipelines
e.g. :
and another file named (search) that contains numbers e.g.:
when i run this Script:
nawk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}
NR==FNR{a= $1"|"$2"|";next}
a{print... (2 Replies)
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3. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I need to redirect internal internet requests to a auth client site siting on the gateway. Currently users that are authenticated to access the internet have there mac address listed in the FORWARD chain. All other users need to be redirected to a internal site for authentication.
Can... (1 Reply)
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4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
goodpeople, have a corrupt boot volume and systems keep's on crashing with it. suspecting drive is bad. question is how does one determine which of the 5 internal drives I have in my cage is hdisk0
any help would be appreciated
Thnx (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Student37
2 Replies
5. Solaris
Hi all,
Is there any difference between a null modem cable or a modem cable ?
i assume that a null modem cable is a normal cable that i used from cpu serial ports to a modem for dialup.
please correct if i am wrong,
thks (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: waterbear
2 Replies
6. Linux
I have a hsf Conexant modem & I have a driver for it but it works only on 2.4.* kernels .
I know that there is a site called Linuxant.com which offers kernels for download ,but it gives a speed near 14 kb/s and the
full feature driver offered for money and I can't buy it.
My questions... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: engshaheen
3 Replies
7. SCO
i have recently migrated to SCO UNIX ver 5.0.5. however, i am unable to configure an internet connection as i am using an internal modem(Conexant K56 Soft modem). would someone be willing to help me?
thnks :confused: (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: sree1234
1 Replies
8. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Ok. I tried following the directions from some of the other threads, but I've hit a road block.
I have red hat 7.3 and I installed the hcf package:
It installed ok, no errors, but I still can't get linux to find my modem. I've tried... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: lawadm1
2 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I have a little prob with dialing up to the internet... When I try connect, it says "Sorry, modem is busy"...
56K modem
Slackware 8.0
Kernel 2.4.5
Cheers;) (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: satan404
4 Replies
BAYCOM(9) Kernel Reference Guide BAYCOM(9)
baycom - amateur (AX.25) packet radio network driver for baycom modems
#include <linux/baycom.h>
#include <linux/hdlcdrv.h>
The driver currently supports three different modems: ser12, par96 and par97.
This is a very simple 1200 baud AFSK modem. The modem consists only of a modulator/demodulator chip, usually a TI TCM3105. The computer is
responsible for regenerating the receiver bit clock. The modem connects to a serial port, hence the name. Since the serial port is not used
as an async serial port, the kernel driver for serial ports cannot be used, and this driver only supports standard serial hardware (8250,
16450, 16550).
This is a modem for 9600 baud FSK compatible to the G3RUH standard. The modem does all the filtering and regenerates the receiver clock.
Data is transferred from and to the PC via a shift register. The shift register is filled with 16 bits and an interrupt is signalled. The
PC then empties the shift register in a burst. This modem connects to the parallel port, hence the name.
This is a redesign of the par96 modem by Henning Rech, DF9IC. The modem is protocol compatible to par96, but uses only three low power ICs
and can therefore be fed from the parallel port and does not require an additional power supply.
The ioctl calls follow the implementation in the hdlcdrv.
returns the modem type (i.e. ser12 or par96) and the options in effect (currently only the source of the DCD signal)
sets the modem type and the options. Only superuser can do this.
return some debugging values. Not always available.
baycom (9), soundmodem (9), linux/drivers/net/hdlcdrv.c,
baycom was written by Thomas Sailer, HB9JNX/AE4WA, (t.sailer@alumni.ethz.ch).
Linux 2.1.x 2 October 1996 BAYCOM(9)