Line deletion help using perl -ne

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# 1  
Old 01-02-2008
Line deletion help using perl -ne

Hi all,

I know the one liner to delete all the lines in a file which matches a pattern

perl -i.old -ne 'print unless /pattern/' file

Now i need the perl onliner to delete all the lines which doesnt match the pattern. Also what is the difference between perl -i and perl -i.old.
Does perl -i.old archive the existing file?

Your help in this will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

# 2  
Old 01-02-2008
Only print lines matching the pattern:
perl -i.old -ne 'print if /pattern/' file

-i tells perl to modify a file in-place, -i.old or -i.bak or whatever you like, tells perl to make a backup first using the specified extension. See 'man perlrun' for the specifics.
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