Copy selected Directories

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# 1  
Old 12-21-2007
Copy selected Directories

I wonder if someone would help me a little here.

I have a directory (folder on a mac) with about 100 subfolders and sub-subfolders and files there in. All sub directories have the same name structure, "AAA Name". Like this:

ISP CompanyName
ITS CompanyName
KEL CompanyName
KRA CompanyName
KRR CompanyName
KSI CompanyName
KVI CompanyName
KYN CompanyName
LAN CompanyName

I need to make copy of this directory for backup, but I need to copy to two hard disks because this is way too huge for one disk. It fits fine to split it between K and L.

Now, I can select files that start with A to K by using:

ls | grep ^[A-K][A-Z][A-Z]\ *

and the other half

ls | grep ^[L-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\ *

So the question: Can someone help me make a command that will copy each half of the files safely over to those hard disks? I am having hard time to find an example of the copy commands that fits my need.

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 12-21-2007
# find /path -type d -name "[A-K]*" -exec cp -r "{}" /destination1 \;  
# find /path -type d -name "[L-Z]*" -exec cp -r "{}" /destination2 \;

# 3  
Old 12-21-2007
Wow! That was quick. Thank you very much. I'll try this.

Have a happy holidays everyone!
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