Disconnecting a telnet session

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# 8  
Old 12-09-2007
I afraid if situation will be as you described I mean :
- you HOST A -> trying to log in on some HOST & POST
- someone else earlier had connected to the same HOST & PORT

and you have not access to this HOST or even telnet sessions are not pass through terminal server there is not exist any way to kill someone's session
# 9  
Old 12-09-2007
Originally Posted by SebaM6
I afraid if situation will be as you described I mean :
- you HOST A -> trying to log in on some HOST & POST
- someone else earlier had connected to the same HOST & PORT

and you have not access to this HOST or even telnet sessions are not pass through terminal server there is not exist any way to kill someone's session
Set up an alternate login method on the server (eg ssh), or adjust the program listening for telnets to fork off each time it recieves a connection.
# 10  
Old 12-09-2007
Originally Posted by Smiling Dragon
adjust the program listening for telnets to fork off
Are you trying to be polite?
# 11  
Old 12-09-2007
Originally Posted by porter
Are you trying to be polite?
Smilie heh heh heh
# 12  
Old 12-09-2007
I assume in this case we are deailing with a terminal concentrator of some kind. Usually they have an admin option available to disconnect/reset a connection on a given port. We have ~100 terminal concentrators here and they all ( several different brands ) have this option.
# 13  
Old 12-09-2007
Just to clear up any confusion, the "hosts" the users log into are port servers.
The reason I say I am asking this is because most users connect to a host-port but they forget about disconnecting even though they are done using the host-port. There's a GUI application to disconnect a user, but accessing that is very slow. The GUI app is written in TCL, so I'm trying to decipher it. But it seems that I won't be able to write such a script because the it appears only application has permission to disconnect users.
Our old port servers had user names and passwords that were common and everybody knew about them, and anyone could go and disconnect a user. But now the port servers are located somewhere else and no one knows the login info.
Thanks for all the feedback.

Last edited by cooldude; 12-09-2007 at 09:19 PM..
# 14  
Old 12-09-2007
Originally Posted by cooldude
The GUI app is written in TCL, so I'm trying to decipher it.
At least you will then know the mechanism that it uses. Is it a "set-uid" program? (eg do "ls -ld path-to-program").
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