printing problem

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# 1  
Old 02-16-2002
Data printing problem

i can only print from unix when I am logged in as host. When any user logs in (even myself as a user who has root priviledges) I cannot print. Has anyone heard of this problem before and are there any troubleshooting tips out there. HELP.........
# 2  
Old 02-17-2002
What flavor of Unix are you running?

Do the print jobs create? Are they sitting in the cue?

lpstat -t

Do you get an error message on the screen?

Do you get an error message in mail? You should get a messege here if anywhere... especially for user 'root'
# 3  
Old 02-17-2002

we are running Unix on Sun Solaris. Nothing even shows in the print queue - not even registering at that printer. any idea what is going on?????
# 4  
Old 02-17-2002
How about a little more info???????

What do you mean by "logged in as host"? Do you actually have a user named "host"? What shell is this user using? Is there an environment variable called LPDEST? If so what what is it's value? Does the file $HOME/.printers exist? If so, what's in it? If this user's shell is ksh or bash, what does "type lp" return? If this users shell is csh or tcsh, what does "which lp" return?

And the same questions for a user who is not working. And does "echo test | /usr/bin/lp" work for this user?

Also what version of Solaris? Are you running NIS? What does "lpstat -t" say? (Post the output)
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