file permission 000

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# 1  
Old 12-03-2007
Question file permission 000

hi all
i was reading some questions related to file permission if file has 000 permission then who can read the file ?

i think no one can read the file.
correct me if i am wrong
# 2  
Old 12-03-2007
Originally Posted by zedex
i think no one can read the file.
root can read and write it. It would not surprise me if root could execute it as well.
# 3  
Old 12-03-2007
File Permission

Yes you are correct. If we make the file permission as 000. No one can Read from/Write into the file. But the owner of the file can change the permission accordingly, so that owner/everyone can read/write the file.
# 4  
Old 12-03-2007
Originally Posted by mvictorvijayan
If we make the file permission as 000. No one can Read from/Write into the file.
root is not restricted

# echo fred >banana
# chmod 000 banana
# ls -ld banana
----------  1 root  wheel  5 Dec  3 21:22 banana
# cat banana

# 5  
Old 12-03-2007
root can read/write the file, but can't execute it.
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