Unix Performance Monitoring

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# 1  
Old 11-23-2007
Unix Performance Monitoring

In the vmstat , there are many columns you can see. Can someone tell me what is the most important column that i
need to be watched on, and what value or average value should i watch inorder to determine that im experiencing
a cpu bottle neck. What should be my basis.

or if you use glance

How many percentage will you consider a bottle neck.... what is the average percentage can be considered as your bottle neck

please help. thanks
# 2  
Old 11-23-2007
Look at the cpu percentage and the run queue.
The percentage shows how much of the time the CPU is being utilised (so 100% means continually), and the queue shows how many other processes are waiting to get some CPU cycles.
A 100% utilisation with an empty run queue means the system is performing exactly at capacity.

In glance (HP's tool, also available for Solaris, kindof like "top" on steroids), you can also select a process to zoom in on; if it shows the process is waiting on PRI, then that process is CPU bound.
# 3  
Old 11-23-2007
thanks for the inputs Smilie I appreciate it.
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