If the the two strings are found. write it to a outputfile
if only one of the string is found, write the found string in one output file
and other in other output file.
you search for a string of the form "<string1>\<string2>" and want to write it to a file. Then you search for strings of the form "<string1>\" or "\<string2>" and write it to another file.
This is done with pattern matching. You can use either sed or awk for that, in this case i would suggest sed because it is smaller than awk and you don't need the capabilities awk would offer.
The string "<string1>/<string2>" can be found with the regexp:
This searches for one or more non-spaces ("[^ ][^ ]*") followed by a backslash followed by one or more non-spaces. The "\" has to be escaped because it has a special meaning, therefore "\\".
The second form of strings can be found by two regexps, very similar to the first one:
A space followed by a backslash followed by one or more non-spaces or one or more non-spaces followed by a backslash followed by a space.
Write the found lines to two different files and you are done.
Thanks for the info. I did not follow the above...
I have a file called buildlog.txt and I need to look for a particular strings
(for example)
In buildlog.txt
I am looking for string "image1" and "image2"
If the string "image1" and "image2" is found then pass it into a file1.txt
if only string "image1" & no string "image2" found then pass string "image1" to file1.txt and pass the string "image2" to file2.txt
Lets say I have a massive directory which is filled with other directories all filled with different c++ scripts and I want a listing of all the scripts that contain the string: "this string". Is there a way to use a grep search for that? I tried:
grep -lr "this string" *
but I do not... (3 Replies)
I want to search a small string in a large string and find the locations of the string. For this I used grep "string" -ob <file name where the large string is stored>. Now this gives me the locations of that string. Now how do I store these locations in a text file.
Please use CODE tags as... (7 Replies)
Need your help for this scripting issue I have. I am not really good at this, so seeking your help.
I have a file looking similar to this:
Hello, i am human and name=ABCD.
How are you?
Hello, i am human and name=PQRS.
I am good.
Hello, i am human and name=ABCD.
Good bye.
Hello, i... (12 Replies)
I am unable to use grep comman to Print only EmpPosition and if the EmpID next line. So output should be both EmpPosition and EmpID and also EmpPosition and EmpID data should match.
Sample Data
EmpPosition "New"
EmpID "New"
EmpPosition "New"
... (4 Replies)
I need to search the file using strings "Request Type" , " Request Method" , "Response Type" and by using result set find the xml tags and convert into a single line?. below are the scenarios.
Cat test
Nov 10, 2012 5:17:53 AM
INFO: Request Type
Line 1.... (5 Replies)
Search and Replace a string pattern with empty in an xml file in unix:
My xml file would be like this :
<Accounts><Name>Harish</Name><mobile>90844444444444445999 </mobile><TRIG>srcujim-1</TRIG></Accounts><Accounts><Name>Satish</Name><mobile>908999</mobile><TRIG>ettertrtt-1</TRIG></Accounts>
... (1 Reply)
The below code will search a particular string(say false in this case) and return me 10 lines above and below the search string in a file.
" awk 'c-->0;$0~s{if(b)for(c=b+1;c>1;c--)print r;print("***********************************");print;c=a;}b{r=$
0}' b=10 a=10 s="false" "
... (5 Replies)
Hi All,
I have a file that I need to be able to find a pattern match on a line, search that line for a text pattern, and replace that text.
An example of 4 lines in my file is:
1. MatchText_randomNumberOfText moreData ReplaceMe moreData
2. MatchText_randomNumberOfText moreData moreData... (4 Replies)