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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers du total
# 8  
Old 11-21-2007
Unlikely I'll cut-&-paste such output.
But have attached in 'du-output-u03.txt'

# 9  
Old 11-21-2007
Never mind...

Found that it's more suitable when du'ing for a particular filetype rather than everything '*'.

Solution I found was to do: find /u03 -name \*.Z -xdev -exec du -k {} \+ | awk '{total=total+$1} END {print total}'

Many thanks for the tip Yogesh Sawant.


Did notice the following resulted in the same as before too ...
[/u03]# du -sk *
663780 installs
0 lost+found
2048022 paging
789192 scratch
[/u03]# du -sk * | awk '{total=total+$1} END {print total}'
# 10  
Old 12-05-2008
The results apply only to the current directory. How do we get the sum of all the *.gz files within the subdirectories as well. Thanks and appreciate your help
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