Exactly one of the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR flags must be used in
composing the value of oflag. If none or more than one is used, the
behavior is undefined.
As this function returns the address of the string corressponding to the errno value provided to it. Can someone please let me know where, in the memory, it could be (on freeBSD).
The MAN page tells under the BUG section that "For unknown error numbers, the strerror() function will return its... (5 Replies)
My question is simple: When should I use a long, int, char, unsigned/signed variables??
When I declare a variable "unsigned;" what did I do it???
Why would I delcare an integer "long" or "short" ( unsigned or signed)??
Any examples of when things like "unsigned", "long", "short" etc...... (6 Replies)
Compiling xpp (The X Printing Panel) on SL6 (RHEL6 essentially):
xpp.cxx: In constructor ‘printFiles::printFiles(int, char**, int&)’:
xpp.cxx:200: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’
The same error with all c++ constructors - gcc 4.4.4.
If anyone can throw any light on... (8 Replies)
Can any one tell me why my following program is crashing?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CA {
const static int i;
const int CA::i = 10;
int main() {
int* pi = const_cast<int*>(&CA::i);
*pi = 9;
cout << CA::i << endl;
} (6 Replies)
from the manual
listen(2): listen for connections on socket - Linux man page
It has a parameter called backlog and it limits the maximum length of queue of pending list.
If I set backlog to 128, is it means no more than 128 packets can be handled by server?
If I have three... (3 Replies)
I wrote a simple code in C++ converting from UpperToLower case characters. However, my compiler gives me a warning:
"warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value".
Any tips?
I would like to stress, I don't want to load my string into char array.
int ToLower(string... (4 Replies)
hello everybody!
i have aproblem! i dont know how to concatenate const char* with char
const char *buffer;
char *b;
thanx in advance (4 Replies)
After, I stat() a file, how can I read the various permissions flags from the st_mode variable which is of type mode_t? I would like to do something like:
struct stat *perms;
int res = stat(filename, perms);
if(perms->st.mode == S_IROTH) do something;
but I know that is the wrong... (2 Replies)
Hello everey one,
here i am attempting to compile a c++ project .it's throughing the following errors.
my machine details are as follows:
Linux chmclozr0119 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 16:34:19 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Generating... (0 Replies)