Regular expressions in sed

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# 1  
Old 02-10-2002
Question Regular expressions in sed

I'm using sed to alter a parameter file used in another process. Basically, the file is a template containing a few variables which need to be replaced at runtime.

The problem is that using sed with filenames that contain the / character causes matches to fail.

sed -e "s/param1/${fileName}/g" somefile.txt > runfile

Could someone suggest how I can get around this?

Also, anyone know a good site for regexp?

I've also tried doing an escaped forward slash substitution. ie. replace all "/" with "\\\/". It works outside the shell, but not inside. Wierd.

Here's the code fragment:

# 2 Modify the runCSjob.xml file: output to jobFile
subRunDate=`echo ${runDate}|sed -e "s/\//\\\\\//g"`;
subOutputFile=`echo ${outputFile}|sed -e "s/\//\\\\\//g"`;
sed -e "${substituteRunDate}" -e "${substituteOutputFile}" -e "${substituteRunType}" ${UTOPIA_BIN}/runCSjob.xml > ${tmpFile}.xml


Last edited by mfreemantle; 02-10-2002 at 11:21 PM..
# 2  
Old 02-10-2002
You may try to post this question in
UNIX Shell Programming and Scripting Q & A
im sure someone in that forum could help with that question.
# 3  
Old 02-10-2002
if your parameter has a / in it, append a \ before it an sed will perform the proper search & replace
# 4  
Old 02-11-2002
Re: Regular expressions in sed

Originally posted by mfreemantle

The problem is that using sed with filenames that contain the / character causes matches to fail.

sed -e "s/param1/${fileName}/g" somefile.txt > runfile

sed -e "s=param1=${fileName}=g" somefile.txt > runfile

Sed's s command does not require the use of a slash as a delimiter. You can use any character. Pick a character that is not in your data.
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