to assign cut values to an array

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# 1  
Old 10-29-2007
to assign cut values to an array

i need to seperate values seperated by delimiters and assign it to an array.. can u plz help me on that.

Variables = "asd,rgbh,(,rty,got,),sroe,9034,"
i need to assign the variables into arrays..

var[1]=rgbh.. and so on
how do i do this. i need to reuse the values stored in the arrays.Is it possible.. ?
how do i do it using awk command?

Last edited by Syms; 10-29-2007 at 07:36 AM..
# 2  
Old 10-29-2007
echo "asd,rgbh,(,rty,got,),sroe,9034," | awk -F"," '{ split($0, arr, ","); }END{ for ( i in arr ) { print arr[i] } }'

# 3  
Old 10-29-2007
in bash
# IFS=,
# v="asd,rgbh,(,rty,got,),sroe,9034,"
# set -- $v
# echo $1
# echo $3
# echo $#
# echo $@
asd rgbh ( rty got ) sroe 9034

# 4  
Old 10-29-2007
hi matrix.
i need to reuse the variables ..meaning... if i say echo "$arr[1]" i m getting the output as [1].. i want the value stored in arr[1]. how do i get that?
# 5  
Old 10-29-2007
hi ghostdog,
i need the script in ksh .. can plz help me with that.. ?
# 6  
Old 10-29-2007
Originally Posted by Syms
hi matrix.
i need to reuse the variables ..meaning... if i say echo "$arr[1]" i m getting the output as [1].. i want the value stored in arr[1]. how do i get that?
array variable within the awk contains the values and it could be readily used.

Not sure what you are looking for.
# 7  
Old 10-29-2007
hi madan .. i need to reuse the array variable outside the awk command..
echo ",asd,rgbh,(,rty,got,),sroe,9034," | awk -F"," '{ split($0, arr, ","); }END{ for ( i in arr ) { print arr[i] } }'
echo " $arr[1]"..
here the echo command does not give me the values stored in arr[1]..
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