ques regarding date command

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# 1  
Old 10-20-2007
ques regarding date command

i have couple of my assignment questions

What command results in adding today's date and time to the file yesterday.txt

What command results in creation of a new file named yesterday.txt that contains yesterday's date but no time
# 2  
Old 10-20-2007
Originally Posted by doomed47
i have couple of my assignment questions
Failed at the first hurdle, read the rules on homework questions.
# 3  
Old 10-20-2007
Originally Posted by doomed47
i have couple of my assignment questions

What command results in adding today's date and time to the file yesterday.txt

What command results in creation of a new file named yesterday.txt that contains yesterday's date but no time
man date, use > to create files. (or >> )
# 4  
Old 10-22-2007
anyways i got it,,,thanks for the replys,,,i guess i was lazy at that timeSmilie
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