I have a unix directory where a million of small text files getting accumulated every week.
As of now there is a shell batch program in place which merges all the files in this directory into a single file and ftp to other system.
Previously the volume of the files would be around 1 lakh... (2 Replies)
pthread_create(&tid, &Attr, A, NULL);
pthread_create(&tid, &Attr, B, NULL);
pthread_create(&tid, &Attr, C, NULL);
A,B,C are the name of the functiont that the thread excute
Hi all !
I want to ask so with these commands ,how the program will excute .
What the way it will do .
Please... (0 Replies)
i have 2 questions:
1. Can I get the current memory usage of a thread?
2. Can I use a member-function as (void*)(*)(void*) method to create a new thread with "pthread_create(...)"??
I would be happy about any suggestion.
Rolf (2 Replies)