Solaris 10 disksuite

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# 8  
Old 10-15-2007
Hammer & Screwdriver

Maybe this can help you.

Maintaining DiskSuite Objects

For disksuite you you need no GUI Smilie

Best regards
# 9  
Old 10-15-2007
Thanks for your reply, it does give me the required information I will need to resolve this problem.

Just out of interest, is there a GUI screen in Solaris 10 or did it die after Solaris 8?
# 10  
Old 10-15-2007

I never see a GUI since Solaris 8!

If you want a GUI please use the smc tool there you can find all thinks you mentioned.

Best regards
# 11  
Old 10-15-2007
Joerg is correct, smc is the way to the GUI. Just to expand upon that, Sun renamed Disksuite to Solaris Volume Manager, I think, in Solaris 9. It now gets installed by default, whereas with the old Disksuite, you had to install it from one of the "extra" CDs. Cheers.
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