How to get the path of a file in UNIX?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers How to get the path of a file in UNIX?
# 8  
Old 05-12-2008
I have little confused with find command.

i used the find command. but not getting th expected result.

see i am currently in the directory dir1.
and i have some directories inside teh dir1


dir1.dir13/dir131/dir1311 etc,

if i have to search for a file with the criteria "*note*"
the find command should give me the details like,


if those paths contain the files.

can any one please give the command?

- Rashmy
# 9  
Old 05-12-2008

Try this

if u r in directory dir1,
find . -name "*note*" -type f -print

print is the default action. simply u can give ..
find . -name "*note*" -type f


Last edited by Yogesh Sawant; 05-14-2008 at 08:56 AM.. Reason: added code tags
# 10  
Old 05-13-2008

yeah! thank you frnd.. this is the one i want.. Thank you!
# 11  
Old 05-13-2008
hey frnd one more doubt!

how could i search for a file type?

say if i have 10 .txt files in a directory and if i search for that like,
find . -name "*.txt" -type f
cannot open :dir3

then i am getting all the txt files with path. but i just want the distinct paths and only the paths where the match found.


can you help me with this pls?

- Rashmy

Last edited by Yogesh Sawant; 05-14-2008 at 08:54 AM.. Reason: added code tags
# 12  
Old 05-13-2008
Hi rashmy,

try this
find . -name "*.txt" -type f  -exec dirname {} \; | sort -u


Last edited by Yogesh Sawant; 05-14-2008 at 08:52 AM.. Reason: added code tags
# 13  
Old 05-13-2008
how ever i am getting something like
find: cannot open ./app/oracle/orasso

this also i do not want.

could you please tell me what the command"-exec dirname {} \;" is doing?

Thank you very much penchal.

Last edited by Yogesh Sawant; 05-14-2008 at 08:50 AM.. Reason: added code tags
# 14  
Old 05-13-2008
Hi Rashmy,

find: cannot open ./app/oracle/orasso

These kind of errors u can get when u dont have enough permissions to parse a directory.

Try this

find . -name "*.txt" -type f -exec dirname {} \; 2>/dev/null | sort -u

-exec command applies the command to the the output of find.
dirname gives the pathname excluding the filename.

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