I am new to UNIX and I need a sample awk or sed program to solve the following problem.
I have a file with the following format. The file is comma delimited. Each record has header information followed by looping detailed information. In addition the detailed information will vary based on a value found in the header information. For example if the header information has a value of 48 then the detail will have 48 sets of detail information. A set of detailed information is a set of 3 fields. The other value is 24, so the detail will either have 48 sets or 24 sets of detail.
What I want to do is replace the delimiter after the value 48 or 24 and around each triplete of information. I highligted the areas in bold where I want to change the comma to a semi colon.
Hello Everyone,
May I ask for your help regarding one of the UNIX command “awk”. So I executed a script and the output looks like this (see below):
CONTRACTNAME ... (3 Replies)
Hi, I am new to unix shell script and I have some trouble on the awk sub
I would like to pick the Date "July 10 2012" into $corr_date by using sub() function, but it is not successful.
The inputted text file:
July 10 2012 20:30:50 , 1234567.jpg
July 10 2012 20:30:52 , 5648978.jpg... (1 Reply)
I have a file as given below $cat int_check
I am running the command as given to find whether field 1 and 3 have proper integer values or not.
awk -F'|' 'int($1)!=$1 || int($3)!=$3' int_check... (7 Replies)
Write a script to calculate the average score and assign a letter grade for each student, also compute the average score for every test (the source data is in the file “grades”). Output all students' name, scores, and grades in descending order of the average score. Note: please save the output to... (17 Replies)
I am working on a script where i am fetching a word from a parameter file and using it as output file name .
here is the part of parameter file contents : it basically contains SQL statements.
Select 'SSFNRTP' as TABLE_NAME,UCSTDT,CVOFIDKEY from (Select 'cofvof_interface' as... (2 Replies)
Hey everyone! Can someone help me, i need to make a program using awk, that displays the current time (hh/mm/ss), i would really apreciate it! Thanks!
Alex. (4 Replies)
can anyone pls help me out in knowing how a array of elements which are fetched from database is passed to the awk program.
Something like this
AMT=`sqlplus -s usrname/pswd <<EOD
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo on
select amount from... (11 Replies)
How do I alias the FILE name into awk?
gawk -f awk_script FILE
FILE | gawk awk_script
for FILE in `find ./* -prune -type f -newer ./TIMEFILE`
# Need to have the actual FILE name ran thru an awk script
done (1 Reply)