script sourcing problem (ksh)

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# 1  
Old 09-20-2007
Bug script sourcing problem (ksh)

I have a script "" in /tmp which has exit 0 as its last line

when I run this script from /tmp/xyz/ script as

. ../

then the script executes but the control doesn't return to script for subsequent commands in

but if I invoke the from inside the as


then the control


if the script is in /tmp directory and I invoke the script from script as

. ./

then the control returns back to with out problems

isn't it strange?

I mean . ./ works but . ../ doesn't
I am trying to understand the script sourcing and this is breaking my head.

Please help

Thank you
# 2  
Old 09-20-2007
Originally Posted by rakeshou
isn't it strange?
No, it's doing exactly what it's told. "exit 0" terminates the process. When you call it ../ it is running as a child process and correctly terminates.

When you run it using . it runs in the same process and happily terminates that.
# 3  
Old 09-21-2007
I am trying to figure out this sourcing stuff, but can't find documentation for it online.

Where does this look

. ../ (parent directory?)

versus this

. ./ (current directory?)

What does the initial '.' mean? Is it the command to look for something?
# 4  
Old 09-21-2007
And is it possible to run a script that calls another script 2 directories above, but still refer to a child directory of the original one?

top directory
SBCS directory
Version directory (main script that calls generic script from top directory and needs to run stuff from Tar directory)
Tar directory (where untarred scripts/files are)
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