man gcc

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# 1  
Old 01-14-2002
man gcc

Hi all,

How can I get man page to recognize gcc when i need to look up gcc options? I tried "man gcc" but got a response "no manual entry for gcc".

Thanks a bunch,

# 2  
Old 01-14-2002
You must add the path to your MANPATH. Type in either env or echo $MANPATH and you will see the path searched for man entries. Add the path for the gcc man pages (could be /usr/local/gcc/man or something like it)
# 3  
Old 01-14-2002
Thanks and i found the path to man but where is the variable MANPATH defined? is it ok if i put it in my .profile? I have tried to grep for MANPATH but got permission denied to all files found Smilie

# 4  
Old 01-14-2002
Putting it in your profile would be correct (you will probably find it in there already). Just add the path to it if it's there or add it in if it's not - if it isn't there it may already be defined and you may want to set it to MANPATH=$MANPATH:/your/new/path
# 5  
Old 01-14-2002

the variable MANPATH was not set but defined as


so i added the path of gcc to the end and rebooted. As a result, manpage to gcc is still not working but to others are still ok and the echo $MANPATH command gave

(new path for gcc)

any clues what is wrong?

# 6  
Old 01-15-2002

I think you've forgotten the man in your path: /usr/local/bin/gcc

i think the path should be like this: /usr/local/bin/gcc/man


# 7  
Old 01-15-2002
Myrkul is correct. And you do not need to reboot - just sign out and back in.
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