As a normal user, is it advised to logout the current session using kill command as
kill -9 -1 ?
I have created an action on my frontpanel which does this and I use this as an alternative way to logout of the current session. Will continuing to do like this affect the performance?
Personally, I don't like to use kill -9 right away. -9 (SIGKILL), drops the process in it's tracks, and doesn't give it a chance to save any work and exit gracefully. You will start leaving lots of old temp files around too...
I suggest starting with something like kill -1 (SIGHUP - the hang up signal), then perhaps sleeping for 3 seconds, sending kill -2 or kill -15, THEN kill any stubborn scripts with kill -9.
Here's one that should kill all processess owned by a given user:
So first I check to make sure I'm not killing me, root, and I make sure the user has processes running. Then I use sudo to allow me root access to kill a process that is not mine. Then kill away! If you want something to kill your own processes, you'd have to trap the signals, so they don't kill the script before it finishes:
This isn't the best code for this, but it is effective, in a pinch... hopefully, it'll give you some ideas of killing "lightly" first, then kill -9 later...
Hey folks,
When a user is added to a new group, the user has to be log out and log in again to make the new group effective. Is there any system command or technique to refresh user group ID update without re-login?
I am not talking about to use "login" or "su -l" commands which can only make... (2 Replies)
Good afternoon
I need to KILL a process in a single command sentence, for example:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep 'CAL255.4ge' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
That sentence Kills the process ID corresponding to the program CAL255.4ge.
However it is possible that the same program... (6 Replies)
Hello everyone,
I have a process that I want to kill. I have tried kill-9 PID but it doesn't work. I have tried preap PID but it doesn't work too.
The parent of my process is the process whose PID is 1, so I can't kill it.
My OS is a Solaris 9.
Can anyone help me understand what's going... (3 Replies)
I want to Kill a process without using kill command as i don't have privileges to kill the process. I know the pid and i am using Linux 2.6.9 OS. (6 Replies)
Hi all
i have simple c program , when i wish to kill the app
im using kill(0,-9) , but it seams this command don't do any thing and the program.
just ignore it .
what im doing wrong here ?
im using HP-UX ia64
Thanks (9 Replies)
Hello everyone
I am using HP Ux and had run a find command. Now I am trying to kill it with kill or kill -9 but it is not getting killed and still running. Any clues ?
Sidhu (5 Replies)
Hi All,
I am unable to kill a process using kill command. I am using HP-UX system. I have tried with kill -9 and i have root privilages.
How can i terminate this daemon ? ? ?
Vijay Hegde (3 Replies)
1 . Thanks you for reading the letter
2 . I have programe a X-application .Sometimes, I run it from terminal of CDE ,it "kill" the CDE and I meet the login dialog . I debug it . I find that the SIGHUP caused the X-app died .I do not run it from terminal of CDE ,I run it "click button" from panel ,... (3 Replies)