Defining variables at boot time

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# 8  
Old 01-07-2002
This should work for both sh and ksh. If you are using csh, then it needs to be in /etc/.login
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fastboot(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       fastboot(8)

fastboot - Reboots the system without checking file systems SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/fastboot [-lnq] DESCRIPTION
The fastboot command reboots the system without checking file systems. The program creates the fastboot file then invokes the reboot pro- gram. The system start-up script contains instructions to look for the fastboot file. If present, the script removes the file and skips the invocation of the fsck command. You must have root privileges to use this command. FLAGS
Does not log the reboot or place a shutdown record in the accounting file. Does not sync the disks or log the reboot. Performs a quick reboot without first shutting down running processes; does not log the reboot. FILES
Specifies the command path RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: fsck(8), rc0(8), rc2(8), rc3(8), reboot(8), shutdown(8), syslogd(8) Functions: sync(2), syslog(3) delim off fastboot(8)