As soon as I login

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# 8  
Old 12-24-2001
I see a couple of things...


Normally however, you would not set ENV
to the ".kshrc" file. Under normal circumstances,
the ".kshrc" file (if located in your home
directory) will be "sourced" automatically
by ksh. Also, you normally don't need to set
SHELL if your default shell (defined in
/etc/passwd) is set to /bin/ksh but it shouldn't
hurt anything.

Also, why are you executing... /bin/ksh
in your .profile? Once you do that, anything
after that will not be executed. I would remove
that line as well.
# 9  
Old 12-24-2001
Thx alot that worked a treat, just wanted to say that i tried it takin out "/bin/ksh" in last line of .profile file but when i exited my menu the line prompt was "$PWD", which i did not want so i kept "/bin/ksh" as my last line in .profile and added "$HOME/menu" as the second last line, when i exited it the line prompt was "/home/bf01/derk" as usall.

Thanx alot for ur help, time and dedication in helping me. Happy Christmas Smilie Smilie
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