As I recall, telnetd and in.telnetd (your example) uses
/bin/login to manage user logins. There is a configuration file for /bin/login called
login.defs :
/etc/login.defs - Login configuration
The /etc/login.defs file defines the site-specific config-
uration for the shadow login suite. This file is
required. Absence of this file will not prevent system
operation, but will probably result in undesirable opera-
This file is a readable text file, each line of the file
describing one configuration parameter. The lines consist
of a configuration name and value, seperated by whites-
pace. Blank lines and comment lines are ignored. Com-
ments are introduced with a `#' pound sign and the pound
sign must be the first non-white character of the line.
Parameter values may be of four types: strings, booleans,
numbers, and long numbers. A string is comprised of any
printable characters. A boolean should be either the
and in the man page, the configuration for the logging behavior of
/bin/login is configured (just a few examples):
FAILLOG_ENAB (boolean)
If yes then login failures will be accumulated in
/var/log/faillog in a faillog(8) format.
FAIL_DELAY (number)
Delay time in seconds after each failed login
Does this help, or were you looking for more generic syslog.conf information not related to login and telnetd?