Script Question

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# 1  
Old 11-20-2001
Question Script Question

Hi all,

I'm trying to write a script. Now from the option menu apon startup of the script there will be three selections to pick from. Each selection will only change the start of the script. So I'm trying to write the script for example:
if choice 1 is selected then it'll copy hosts table.
if choice 2 is selected then it'll say setup a new user.
if choice 3 is selected then say it'll delete a user.
(Only examples not what I want to do)

Main problem I am coming across though is I need it to break out of the "$choice" after it has done what it is meant to and keep going with the bulk of the script because it's only a few different things that will change, thus three options.
I've tried the break command and it doesn't work it breaks out of the script altogether Smilie Also tried various things with break like 'breaksw' and so on.

So if anyone has any idea how I can let the "$choice" do what it has to do then break out of that $choice and keep on going with the rest of the script. Thanks in advanced.
I would perfer somewhere to which I can find text on this so I can learn it myself and hopefully get it right, but if you don't know where text can be found only an answer.
Thanks in Advanced.

# 2  
Old 11-20-2001
I dont quite understand what you are trying to do.
If I understand correctly, you have a list of 3 options, one of which needs to be performed at the beginning. Then the rest of the script is run regardless of the option picked?

If you could post your script, or a pseudo code version then I am sure we could help you much more easily.

# 3  
Old 11-20-2001
You don't even tell us which language you are using. I will guess sh/ksh.... The way to use the case statement is like this...

case $choice in 
      copy that hostfile
2)    useradd ....
      passwd user
3)    userdel ...

common commands go here

In each case the ";;" is what got us out.
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