The problem is:
we got a dedecated (freeBSD 4.7)server for one of our very popular websites.
And there's a number of CONFIG problems we have to fix.
We are newbies in the UNIX but we can't offord to hire anybody to fix it.
By the way, maybe somebody knows:
our ROOT has over 200 messages a day with subject:
Cron <root@virt1-180> webalizer -pQ -o /usr/local/share/doc/apache/webalizer /var/log/httpd-access.log
Message (webalizer: not found)
I want to change the path to LOG file
And so far as i can see the webalizer-CONFIG file just doesn't exist.
I built one , but there's still the same message...
I just want to find where the file is which saing to look up for log file in "/var/log/httpd-access.log"
Thank you