Unix command

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Unix command
# 8  
Old 11-15-2001
You best bet would be to state your problem/issue
with as much detail as possible and state your desired
results (what you are trying to accomplish) again with
as much relevant details as appropriate. My expierence
with the folks on this forum is that they are all genuinely
concerned and will try very hard to help anyone with
problems or questions regarding UNIX configs, programming,

Please go ahead and give us more details and I'm sure
you will get a flood of good information.
# 9  
Old 11-15-2001
And again, I apologize, My browser is going crazy again
and I only get the first few lines somtimes.

I know you gave more details this time. Smilie
# 10  
Old 11-15-2001
What do you get when you do...

cd /usr/local/share/doc/apache
ls -l webalizer

From the message, it looks like webalizer is not being found.
# 11  
Old 11-15-2001
<b>Thank you rwb1959</b>
$ cd /usr/local/share/doc/apache
ls -l webalizer $
total 67
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 2276 Sep 20 13:03 ctry_usage_200108.png
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 2540 Sep 20 13:03 daily_usage_200108.png
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 1663 Sep 20 13:03 hourly_usage_200108.png
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 3671 Sep 20 13:03 index.html
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 2082 Sep 20 13:03 usage.png
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 49934 Sep 20 13:03 usage_200108.html
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 1833 Sep 20 13:03 webalizer.current
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 29 Sep 20 13:03 webalizer.hist
But problem is that apache has been reinstalled in different Dir and log file now located in "/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log"

Thank you

Last edited by strok; 11-15-2001 at 04:44 PM..
# 12  
Old 11-15-2001
Where exactly are you getting this from...

"our ROOT has over 200 messages a day with subject:

Cron webalizer -pQ -o /usr/local/share/doc/apache/webalizer

Message (webalizer: not found) "

When you say "ROOT" do you mean the unix "root"
user account or is the your webroot?
I assumed it was in your "root" user's mailbox.
This implies that a "cron" job is failing
and from the "Message", it implies that the
"webalizer" is having some sort of problem
or that it is not being run because it cannot
be found.

You should be able to find your apache executable
by logging in as "root" and do...

find / -name httpd -print

...you should see somthing like...


...likewise, you can find the apache config file..

find / -name httpd.conf -print

...let me know what you find.
# 13  
Old 11-15-2001
When I said "ROOT" I meant the unix "root" user account .
Yes, it was in "root" user's mailbox.

yes the "httpd" is located here: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd

and we got about 20 "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd " processes running on the server

The config file is here:

# 14  
Old 11-16-2001
OK then. Smilie

Now you can examine the httpd.conf file
and "see" where things are being written to.
You can...

vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

...and you can make changes to the log file
section as you like.

By the way, it is normal to have many httpd's
running. You can also control how many httpd's
are run.
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