ALERT!!! ALERT!!! I messed up the UNIX!!!

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# 8  
Old 11-05-2001
Question boot -s for SCO?

Does <b>boot -s</b> at the <b>ok</b> promopt work in SCO? I know that this works to boot a computer running SUN Open Boot, which in my experience is just Sparc hardware. Does SCO use this convention as well?
# 9  
Old 11-05-2001
Okay, that's it! I am going to commit suicide now!It was a nice short life! :,-(

Thanks for your help!
Tomorow my boss will execute me for sure! *ohh boy*


*a poor, poor, and even poorer little system administrator*
# 10  
Old 11-05-2001
boot problems

This may be a long shot, but do you have remote access to the box via telnet?

If so, you can telnet in and fix the problem. So long as you can su - to root.
# 11  
Old 11-05-2001
Unfortunately not. Somehow the passwd change stopped also all remote connections. I have no clue how this it tied up together!

# 12  
Old 11-05-2001
There are a few easy ways to do this.

(1) Build/find a boot floppy. Boot off the boot disk.
Mount the systems disks. Edit the password file.

(2) Take out the hard disk. Mount it on another
system. Edit the password file.

It is easy to fix problems with the password file.... just boot off another system (floppy or entire other system) and mount the drive (with with the password file) and edit!!

All off the above takes less time than to read all the posts and worry!!!
# 13  
Old 11-06-2001
boot problems

Here is another scenario.

If you have a CD with the OS on it, you can boot from the CD and that will allow you to bring the box up.

Once you are in multi user mode, then you can copy the passwd file from the CD to your system.

If you can't boot from a CD, then you will have to reload the OS and restore from backups that I hope you have made recently.

This is all that I can suggest for your situation, unless Neo's suggestion will work.

Hopefully you can boot from a CD, like you can with Windows and in HP and SUN environments. However, I don't know about SCO UNIX.

# 14  
Old 11-06-2001

I have a CD but there is no option of starting a system its just wants to install a new one.

I figured out how to bring up the box in the single user mode. But there ist also wants to have the root password. When I type it in, it kicks me out again immediately.

So, that was my only hope. Now, that I cannot login with a rot-account and that i have no chance of getting a remote-access ... I ... Smilie ... i go kill myself.

Marcus Smilie
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