for file in ???? - command

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# 8  
Old 01-30-2001

I solve it as follows:

cd /mydir
today=`/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d`
export today
todayLogs=`ls $today*`
export todayLogs
for file in *.log 
if [ -f $file ] 
<b>fileExists=`echo $todayLogs | grep $file`
   if [ "$fileExists" = "" ]</b>
      if /usr/bin/mv $file $dir/access_log_$file 
     echo "$file : moved to $dir successfuly " 
     echo "can not move or rename access_log_$file" 

its work.
and I'll convert PxT script to bourne soon........

[Edited by tamer on 01-30-2001 at 09:37 AM]
added code tags for readability --oombera

Last edited by oombera; 02-19-2004 at 06:38 PM..
# 9  
Old 01-30-2001
Here is Perl Script that could solve your problem:


use File::Copy;

$directory = ".";
$moveto = "/var/dist";
$prefix = "access-log";
$ignoredFiles = "";

my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
if($mon < 10) { $month="0".$month; }
$year =~ s/1/20/;

$today = join("-", ($year, $month, $mday));

opendir (DIR, "$directory") || die "Can't open $directory,Reson$!";
@dir = grep(/.log$/,readdir(DIR));
closedir (DIR);

# Now, for every file in the directory...
foreach $file (@dir) {
# If it contains today's date ignore it
# If it is older than 'n' day (-M "$directory/$file" > n)

if ("$directory/$file" =~ $today) {
$ignoredFiles .= "$file\n"; }
else {
copy("$directory/$file", "$directory/$moveto/$prefix-$file") || die("Can't Copy. Reason:$!\n");
$count = $count+1;

print "\n$count files moved";
print "\nFiles ignored(Today's file): $ignoredFiles";

# 10  
Old 01-30-2001
$year =~ s/1/20/;
I know perl prides itself on the fact that "There is more than one way to do it", but why do you do a string substitution here, when simple arithmetic would work just as well?

$year +=1900;

Using a string sub. is really just obfuscation. And as an added benefit, the arithmetic method will ensure that your scripts continue to work in the 22nd century and beyond. Smilie
# 11  
Old 01-31-2001
Thank you for Pointing out the blunder in my script Pxt. I were unaware of that method Smilie

As you said I want to run that script 22nd century people and email me "oh man what a script" Smilie
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