script for nums in Hexadecimal base

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# 1  
Old 10-26-2001
Lightbulb script for nums in Hexadecimal base


I´ve developed a script that count in decimal base. this is a example:

end=`expr $2+1`
while [ $end \> $i ]
i=`expr $i+1`
Could you say me how dou you count in hexadecimal base?

# 2  
Old 10-26-2001
ksh has built-in arithmetic that works in any base. Your script is compatable with ksh. If you just add a first line: "typeset -i16 i", ksh will output the value of i in hexadecimal. The format is ugly. It will be 16#1 16#2 16#3 etc. To get rid of that leading 16#, you can do this:
echo ${i#16#}

And you can switch to ksh arithmetic as well. Instead of:
i=`expr $i + 1`
try this:

The built in arithmetic is much faster than using an external process like expr.
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